Twenty Tools book is all about statistical tools used for the successful practice of Total Quality Management(TQM). TQM, the company-wide effort of continuous improvement, is in reality nothing but ceaseless effort by all employees to bridge the gap between what is and what should be. It is otherwise known as: ?Rotating the PDCA cycle?. The statistical tools or TQM tools are the enablers for rotating the PDCA cycle based on objective facts that are grounded on reality and founded on statistical evidence(s). These tools in the book Twenty Tools help to deftly navigate in the work place (Gemba) to counter problems and implement innovative solutions. The obvious aim of such efforts is to delight customers and satisfy all the stakeholders. In this book, seven eminent professionals (not academicians) share their insight gained over the years of their illustrious career, on how to use these tools to unravel the facts behind figures and truth beyond statistics. This book is truly a remarkable contribution to benefit the community of engineers and managers who are striving to make India the hub of world-class products and services. Read More on Total Quality Management Category
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