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Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

Author: D.H. Stamatis


This book by D.H. Stamatis is a comprehensive guide to FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). FMEA is a method for identifying and preventing potential problems, errors, and failures in systems, designs, processes, and services. The book explains how to conduct FMEAs and why they are important.


This is a complete guide to failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)the process of understanding and applying a methodical approach to problems, errors, and failures. Author D.H. Stamatis explains the process of conducting system, design, process, and service FMEAs, and provides the rationale for doing so. This text also establishes the legal need for an FMEA and its relationship to product liability. A variety of examples of FMEA forms, checklists, and sample guidelines is another unique feature of this book. A summary of mathematical formulae and tools used in FMEA is also presented. The more than 10 real-world examples and how-to specifics show how FMEA can work for any organization.

Additional information

Dimensions 20 × 14 × 4 cm


Page count

532 Pages




Hard bound




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