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Lean Tools – 2nd Edition

Author: Michael Wader


The Lean Tool Pocketbook is a handy reference guide for those alre... Read more

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Lean tools Pocketbook was first written in 2003 and the first edition is now in 6 languages around the world. This pocket guide was developed as part of a training system that any trainer with Lean tools knowledge and experience can use to promote student understanding and shop floor application. Now after 10 years, this book has been updated, including thing asked for by the readers. This book is not designed to teach everything about implementing Lean Tools. Instead, it is meant to be a quick-reference pocket-sized book that can help you remember things that were taught about Lean techniques in a more formal class. In this revision, the author has added some more tools for your toolbox. Don?t be fooled, the old tools still work today and they can help organizations simplify their processes and reduce their cost. Read More on Lean Category.