Advanced Product Quality planning
0“Advanced Product Quality Planning: The Road to Success” by D. H. Stamatis provides a comprehensive guide to the APQP methodology. It details the five phases of APQP and explains its significance in relation to various standards. The book also covers additional topics such as PPAP, risk, warranty, GD&T, and leadership roles in continuous improvement.
Advanced Quality Planning
0“Advanced Quality Planning” explains the AQP process in detail, making it accessible for both novices and experienced users. It includes practical steps, checklists, and case studies to guide quality planning within a business strategy.
An Introduction to Triz : Stan Kaplan
0Stan Kaplan’s “Introduction to TRIZ” is a premier guide to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. It explains TRIZ fundamentals and tools clearly, making them accessible to all. Kaplan explores the universal structure of creative thinking, making this book essential for understanding and applying TRIZ.
Building Quality Management Systems: Selecting the Right Methods and Tools
0“Building Quality Management Systems” guides directors, practitioners, and researchers in designing, implementing, and improving QMSs. It emphasizes making better choices based on organizational needs and resources.
How to Audit ISO 9001:2015
0This book equips auditors with the knowledge to assess organizations against the revised standard. It guides them through the process, covering requirements and best practices for conducting successful audits.
Integrated Management Systems
0This book advocates for Integrated Management Systems (IMS) to streamline compliance with various standards like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and FSSC 22000. An IMS saves money and improves efficiency by eliminating redundant processes in training, documentation, and internal audits.
Introduction to Quality Control
0This book is the English translation of a best-selling Japanese text on quality control, “Introduction to Quality Control” (3rd edition), by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, a world-renowned quality expert. The original book was published by JUSE Press Ltd., the publishing arm of the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers.
Measuring Process Capability
0This guide to measuring manufacturing process capability tackles all data types. It shows you how to identify key variables, set goals, analyze results, and handle complex situations. Packed with practical tips, it’s a must-have for anyone in process control.
Mistake-Proofing for operators
0“Mistake-Proofing for Operators” introduces the Zero Quality Control (ZQC) system, focusing on preventing defects through mistake-proofing devices called poka-yoke. It is designed for operators and assembly workers.
Short – Run SPC for Manufacturing and Quality Professionals
0“Short-Run SPC for Manufacturing and Quality Professionals” provides practical solutions for implementing statistical process control in short production runs. It offers spreadsheet-deployable methods for immediate actionable insights without advanced software.
Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement
0Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement is a valuable resource for quality management professionals and students. Used by leading US companies for quality training, it also provides a strong foundation in applying statistics for business and quality improvement initiatives.
The A3 Workbook
0“The A3 Workbook” by Daniel Matthews teaches A3 Problem Solving to all organizational levels. It provides practical tools, case studies, and exercises to foster a culture of continuous improvement.
The Performance Management Systems Playbook
0This book provides practical guidance on implementing ISO 56002 and 56004 standards to build and sustain an innovation ecosystem. It helps train employees to use the system effectively, adding value to the organization’s stakeholders.
The Qc Problem Solving Approach
0“The QC Problem Solving Approach” by Katsuya Hosotani provides a practical framework for quality professionals, leveraging real-world cases to achieve continuous improvement.