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Nine Pearls of TQM Wisdom


Nine Pearls of TQM Wisdom provides practical insights into Total Q... Read more

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Total Quality Managment (TQM) has become the buzz word for corporates to let their users know the importance they attach to quality. What is TQM and how does one achieve it? What are the problems people have to encounter in achieving it and how to overcome them? Dr V Swaminathan, one of India’s experts in TQM, provides the relevant answers to these questions in this book “Nine Pearls of TQM Wisdom“. He handholds us to explain what TQM is all about, how to go about it, the problems associated with it, his experience in the field of TQM and, last but not least, how corporate firms can target the Deming Award, considered the Himalayan peak for attaining quality, in this book. Nine Pearls of TQM Wisdom is indeed a good read. Read More Books on the Category Total Quality Management.