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Maintenance Management

Author: Edward Hartmann


The maintenance Management book describes different methods to improve maintenance efficiency, from classic ideas like preventative maintenance to new approaches like robotic integration and worker involvement (TPM).


How LILCO’s (Long Island Lighting Company) seven-point plan to optimize use of time, manpower, funds, and material, improve plant efficiency, and reduce forced outages. How AMM (Automated Maintenance Management), developed at Sandia National Laboratories, allows one integrated computer system to incorporate job planning, work measurement, material control, and more. Why following a simple 11-step program to increase the efficiency of maintenance operations can double productivity. How the increase of such advanced systems as robotics is forcing manufacturers to upgrade skilled trades in the workplace. The Japanese concept of TPM – Total Productive Maintenance – and similar systems such as productivity by increasing worker involvement. And there’s much more! No other reference provides so broad a view of the maintenance management field by offering such a multitude of specific examples. All aspects of maintenance engineering are addressed, from the simple, age-old concept that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” to the complex, automated production lines and robotics of tomorrow making their debut today!

Additional information

Dimensions 20 × 14 × 4 cm


Page count

432 pages


1st edition 1995






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