“Talkative Man” by R.K. Narayan, published on December 1, 2007, is a charming novella set in the fictional town of Malgudi, known for its colorful inhabitants and engaging stories. The narrative centers around a loquacious journalist known as TM (Talkative Man), who prides himself on his extensive travels and myriad tales. The story takes an intriguing turn when a mysterious visitor, Dr. Rann, arrives in Malgudi and takes residence at the town’s railway station. Claiming to be on a United Nations mission, Dr. Rann’s true intentions gradually unfold, causing quite a stir among the townspeople. Narayan’s witty writing brings to life the quirks and idiosyncrasies of his characters, particularly the interactions between TM and Dr. Rann. Through this light-hearted yet insightful tale, Narayan explores themes of deception, curiosity, and the complexity of human nature. “Talkative Man” is a delightful read that captures the essence of Malgudi and its residents, showcasing Narayan’s masterful storytelling and his ability to find the extraordinary in the ordinary.
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