Ashik J Bonofer

Ashik J Bonofer

V. Suryanarayan and Ashik J. Bonofer co-authored “Haksar on India’s Sri Lanka Policy.” Suryanarayan is an esteemed scholar known for his expertise in South Asian politics and foreign policy, while Bonofer is recognized for his insightful analyses of regional geopolitics. Together, they provide a comprehensive examination of India’s Sri Lanka policy through the lens of P.N. Haksar, a prominent diplomat and advisor to Indian Prime Ministers. Their collaborative work offers valuable insights into the historical context, diplomatic intricacies, and strategic considerations shaping India’s approach towards its neighbor, Sri Lanka. Through meticulous research and nuanced analysis, Suryanarayan and Bonofer shed light on the complexities of Indo-Sri Lankan relations, making their book an indispensable resource for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of South Asian geopolitics.

Books By Ashik J Bonofer