Getting the right things done

How ‘Getting the Right Things Done’ Can Transform Your Leadership Approach

In the fast-paced business world, achieving strategic goals can often feel like navigating a labyrinth. Pascal Dennis, in his insightful book Getting the Right Things Done: A Leader’s Guide to Planning and Execution,” offers a roadmap to help leaders steer their organizations towards success. This book is a treasure trove of practical advice on strategy deployment, also known as hoshin kanri, a method that aligns an organization’s functions and activities with its strategic objectives.

The Essence of Strategy Deployment

At the heart of Dennis’s approach is the concept of “True North”—a clear and compelling vision that guides the organization. This vision acts as a beacon, ensuring that every action taken is aligned with the overarching goals. Dennis emphasizes the importance of engaging people at all levels, fostering a culture where everyone is invested in the company’s success.

The PDCA Cycle: A Continuous Improvement Tool

One of the key tools discussed in the book is the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act). This iterative process is crucial for continuous improvement. By planning carefully, executing the plan, checking the results, and acting on what is learned, organizations can adapt and thrive in a constantly changing environment.

The Power of Consensus: Catch-Ball

Dennis introduces the concept of “catch-ball,” a collaborative approach to decision-making. This method involves tossing ideas back and forth across different levels of the organization, ensuring that everyone has a voice and that decisions are well-informed and widely supported. This not only enhances the quality of decisions but also boosts employee engagement and commitment.

Deployment Leaders and A3 Thinking

The book also delves into the roles of deployment leaders and the use of A3 thinking. Deployment leaders are responsible for driving the strategy deployment process, ensuring that the organization’s activities are aligned with its strategic goals. A3 thinking, named after the size of the paper used, is a structured problem-solving approach that links action to theory, helping teams to systematically address challenges and implement solutions.

Practical Insights and Real-World Examples

What sets Dennis’s book apart is its practical focus. The author shares numerous real-world examples and case studies, illustrating how the principles of strategy deployment can be applied in various contexts. These examples make the concepts more relatable and provide readers with concrete ideas on how to implement them in their own organizations.


“Getting the Right Things Done” is more than just a guide to strategy deployment; it’s a call to action for leaders to engage their teams, foster a culture of continuous improvement, and navigate the complexities of the business world with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or an aspiring leader, this book offers valuable insights to help you steer your organization toward success.

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