Set in the quaint town of Malgudi, during India’s pre-independence era, Malgudi Schooldays follows the spirited Swaminathan, or Swami, a young boy whose school life is anything but ordinary. With his mischievous gang of friends—Mani, Somu, Samuel, Pea, Sankar, and the new boy Rajam—Swami spends his days dodging schoolwork, playing pranks, and getting into all sorts of trouble.
When Swami is chosen as the bowler for Malgudi Cricket Club, he faces a dilemma: attend the school drill or play in the important match against the Young Men’s Union? Balancing his love for cricket and his duties becomes a real challenge.
Malgudi Schooldays captures the joys, mischief, and adventures of childhood, filled with moments of laughter and lessons that stay with you forever. Read more on this category.
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